Hidden Causes of Why You Carry Excess Weight

The reason why you are unable to achieve your desired weight might be hidden deep within your psyche.

The day I accepted myself at my current weight was when I started to achieve my ideal weight. This might sound surprising, but it's true. I was 21 years old when I stumbled upon a book titled "Why You Really Don't Want to Lose Weight". Reading through the book was a life-changing experience for me. It contained exercises that helped me accept my weight and understand my uncontrollable urge to eat. After practicing weight acceptance, I found that achieving my ideal weight became easy and effortless. 



Defence and Control

Excess weight can serve as a defence mechanism for those who have experienced bullying, abuse, or feel unsafe. Fat cells act as a cushion or bubble wrap, providing a physical barrier between you and the world. It maintains a physical distance from heartbreak or intimacy, keeping people at bay. It also serves as a barrier against sexual advances and violation.  

For those who are highly sensitive or empathic, excel weight protects you from energy vampires and those who make you feel vulnerable, drained, or off-balance.  

At times, excess weight may be a way to punish or prove that you are unlovable. It often accumulates around the abdomen/solar plexus area.  

It can also be a form of rebellion against the control and dominance of parents, employers, bosses, partners, and friends. In this way, controlling food becomes a way to assert control over one's life.  


Emotional Starvation

Have you ever felt like you were lacking something crucial in your life? It could be love, belonging, affection, acceptance, nurturing, safety, fulfillment, excitement, growth, and so on.  

Sometimes, we use food as an emotional treat to comfort ourselves when we are hurt. This behaviour might have started when we were young, and a caregiver would give us sweets to stop us from crying or to distract us from emotional pain. Over time, we learn to distract ourselves from our feelings with food and suppress our emotions.  

When we lack healthy boundaries, we tend to be overly generous, and nurturing and have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility towards others. We might even be rescuers, putting others before ourselves and neglecting our own needs. This can make it difficult for us to ask others for what we need, including our emotional needs. This behaviour can also manifest as thyroid malfunctions, lupus, and autoimmune diseases.

The Antidote

Powerful Beliefs and Identity = Changed Outcomes



  • Knowing that you are safe, protected, and in control
  • ... that you are abundant, blessed and have more than enough
  • Being at ease and respecting yourself
  • Having healthy boundaries
  • Loving yourself exactly as you are 
  • Being kind to yourself
  • Following your heart and dreams
  • Being comfortable to experience all emotions
  • Forgiving yourself

Hypnotherapy / Rapid Transformational Therapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience that offers fast, effective results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT.

Shirley Filipe